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Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Top 10 California Trout Fishing spots, part of California Fishing report for 2017

 Best 2017 California Trout Best Fishing spots and Local fishing and Hunting Clubs

Get Buggy with It? 2017 Trout Opener is Coming up!  Here is the scoop on where to go....
where to fish california, hunting fishing maps and reports california
CALIFORNIA FLY FLY FISHING FEATURE  - Best trout fishing in California
With the 2016 opening of the general stream  trout season on April 25, we’ve taken a  look at some of the better places with no regards to what California river is better than another. We present the Top Ten Fly Fly fishing Rivers in the state of California: 
Rainbow trout from 12 to 22 inches can be  had here, and you’ve only got to travel to  Redding.  You’ll find the fly fishing hatch to be primarily caddis, mayfly, and stoneflies on this stretch of the Sac. Bring along nymphs in peacocks and blacks, sizes 6 to 8. 
Right now, the water is perfect for fishing and wading. You’ll find the best  access at the I-5 bridge. 
Many claim this is the  top producing wild rainbow trout  river in California. Trout to 8 pounds  come from this river,  and sometimes you  may even catch a steelhead and seeing  occasional mayflies or a salmonfly  fly fishing hatch.  This means tossing small  beadhead nymphs. A  bee pattern is good,  and go barbless and artificial only  here. 
This is an triple play river. You’ll find brown trouts, rainbow trout, and cutthroats  here from catchable  size at about l0 inches, to fish at 2 to 3  pounds. It can get crowded along the upper river, and you  may want to go downstream for less fishing pressure.  Blue-winged olives, midges in black  and cream, and a few adult stoneflies  make up the fly fishing hatch right now. Go with  streamers and nymphs for the top action.  Try beadhead prince nymphs, and rainbow prince nymphs in sizes 14 to 16,  and  stoneflies.
We have 7 more places, here first is a screen shot:

California Fishing maps and access to over 200 fishing properties, hunting ranches, and public areas:

German brown trout? Sure enough! In the skillet variety are present or as large as 4 pounds. The Caddis are beginning the fly fishing hatch as the  water warms. Bring along standard fly  pattems for now: elk hair caddis, blue winged olives and Adams. For Nymphing,  the best tactic.is to bring a lot of lead  to reach the bottom. 
 5. TRUCKEE RIVER: Also a triple threat in  the trout department, you can catch rainbow trout, brown trouts, and cutthroat here. This is  an excellent California river for beginners, mostly you'll  find rainbow trout, from 12 to 18 inches, but  there are plenty of them.  In May Fly fishing hatches will be midges and  caddis, also try streamers, goblins and sculpin.  The Reno parks provide good places to get to the  water, and the trophy section can is in Verdi. 

Water flows will dictate success rates on the river, but it’s looking not too bad right now. Brown trouts and wild rainbow trout as large as 20 inches.
The fly fishing hatch includes caddis, but look for small stoneflies and pink epeourous. So try prince nymphs, stonefly nymphs and Pheasant Tails in blacks, pinks, and dun. Fish deep.  Best access?  Ash Camp and Ahdina Camp.

Above Shasta Lake, seeing rainbow trout and brown trouts from 6 to 20 inches,
Pale morning duns, golden stones, and caddis will make up the bulk of the
fly fishing hatch, tie on pocket water nymphs,Hare’s Ears, and stonefly nymphs. Use
the short line nymph routine, and add enough weight to hit bottom.
Great access is no problem all the way from Dunsmuir to the lake.

Trout in Hat Creek are notorious  in avoiding the hook., and there isn’t much fluctuation of level. Flows are controlled by dams so clear, slow-moving water and  wary trout. You’ll need to match the fly fishing hatch exactly, with the fish running 14 to16 inches. Caddis, stoneflies, and Mayflies are the fly fishing hatch right now. Rig up with micro caddis, small yellow sallys, a WD-40, or
brassie. Stick with pale yellows and duns for the best bite.
Look to the fish barrier and PowerHouse No. 2 for the easiest access.

9. PITT RIVER:  This can be a challenging river, so exercise caution, make sure to wear a belt over your waders.
The fishing can be excellent, wild ‘bows make up the as well as fly fishing hatchery fish and brown trout trout..Stoneflies and caddis are fly fishing hatching, but sub-surface nymphing the best bet. Coffman’s stoneflies, olive z-wing caddis, and gold bead pulsating caddis, but in addition a hare‘s ear or black AP. The easiest access is at Pump House 5

The Trinity a river is one one of  the best places to go. Find rainbow trout and brown trout on this river, as well as holdover winter run steelhead, and spring half-pounder. Fish are generally 10 to 22 inches, Looking for fly fishing hatches, you can expect to see callibeatis, caddis, and golden stones. Tossing stonefly imitations will be the best bet, but also try streamer Crystal Buggers, egg-sucking leech simulators and muddlers for the early season trout. Good access points are strung along the California riverso getting to the water here is pretty easy
Be sure to check the regs for zero-take and artificial-only areas,
which portions of this California river are open.

We have another site (we are rural real estate brokers who help our customers keep or buy ranch properties by getting extra income via hunters and fishermen) with mostly hunting ranches but also several excellent private trout and bass fisheries.

California and Oregon for private fishing, hunting clubs, exclusive network of hunting ranches :

Click on a county for Hunting Clubs & Private Ranches:

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